Metamorphoze into Cyberpunk & Marvel’s Blade mode. Arkane’s global headquarters? It’s done!

Creation of a fresco, a monumental work for concrete tunnels in the Alps. Special Ski and Olympic Games.

Concept of creative, artistic, decorative window stickers for the 5 crealabs. Renault Trucks – Volvo Group

Contemporary frescoes and decorations for law firms and offices

Metamorphoze into Cyberpunk & Marvel’s Blade mode. Arkane’s global headquarters? It’s done!

Total creation of the decorative concept: fresco, signage, window stickers All our teams were mobilized for this magnificent project of cyberpunk frescoes, personalized signage and immersive window...
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Creation of a fresco, a monumental work for concrete tunnels in the Alps. Special Ski and Olympic Games.

The Métamorphoze workshop was once again asked to create exceptional immersive experiences (signed FBL – artist designer Franck Blériot) in the tunnels. Elegant and contemporary street...
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Concept of creative, artistic, decorative window stickers for the 5 crealabs. Renault Trucks – Volvo Group

A new disproportionate creation of decorative, creative window stickers developed around the theme of plants, digital, industrial, electrical... 5 different rooms for this unique crealab in...
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Contemporary frescoes and decorations for law firms and offices

To be advised, to be helped by lawyers who will have taken the greatest care to decorate their universe in a contemporary, design, artistic way. These...
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